Source code for sr.comp.yaml_loader

YAML loading routines.

This includes parsing of dates and times properly, and also ensures the C YAML
loader is used which is necessary for optimum performance.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import dateutil.parser
import yaml

from .types import YAMLData

    from yaml import CLoader as YAML_Loader
except ImportError:
    from warnings import warn

    from yaml import Loader as YAML_Loader  # type: ignore[assignment]
        "Using pure-python PyYAML (without libyaml). "
        "srcomp reads many YAML files, this is liable to be very slow. "
        "Installing libyaml is highly recommended.",

[docs]def time_constructor(_: Any, node: yaml.Node) -> datetime.datetime: return dateutil.parser.parse(node.value)
[docs]def add_time_constructor(loader: type[YAML_Loader]) -> None: loader.add_constructor( ',2002:timestamp', time_constructor, )
[docs]def load(file_path: Path) -> YAMLData: """ Load a YAML fie and return the results. :param Path file_path: The path to the YAML file. :return: The parsed contents. """ with'r') as f: return yaml.load(f, Loader=YAML_Loader)