
The Student Robotics Competition Software, or SRComp, is a suite of software for running competition events. It aims to record the entire state of the competition in a single place and provide tooling for working with that data in a consistent and reproducible manner.

SRComp assumes:
  • that you have a league section and/or a knockout section; if you have both then the league comes first and seeds the knockout

  • that you can generate fair match plan (i.e: who plays who in which match) yourself (though it does provide some tooling to check that a plan is fair)

SRComp includes support for:
  • generating match schedules from match plans, by incorporating both time to reset arenas between matches as well as planned and unexpected delays

  • games with multiple participants, with graceful handling of no-shows and disqualifications

  • normalising per-game scores to allocate league scores and/or determine knockout progression

  • resolving ties

  • concurrent arenas, though with the caveat that games in multiple arenas start at the same time and are of the same length

  • “shepherds”; people who fetch participants before their matches

  • large-screen displays of information for shepherds

  • large-screen displays of information for the audience

  • web pages with information for an external audience

  • web pages with information for competitors

  • real-time updates of the state of the competition, including consistent distributed hosting of the displays and HTTP API