Source code for sr.comp.venue

"""Venue layout metadata library."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Mapping, TypeVar

from . import yaml_loader
from .matches import StagingOffsets
from .types import (

T = TypeVar('T')
T_str = TypeVar('T_str', bound=str)

[docs]class InvalidRegionException(Exception): """ An exception that occurs when there are invalid regions mentioned in the shepherding data. """ def __init__(self, region: RegionName, area: str) -> None: tpl = "Invalid region '{0}' found in shepherding area '{1}'" super().__init__(tpl.format(region, area)) self.region = region self.area = area
[docs]class MismatchException(Exception, Generic[T_str]): """ An exception that occurs when there are duplicate, extra or missing items. """ def __init__( self, tpl: str, duplicates: Iterable[T_str], extras: Iterable[T_str], missing: Iterable[T_str], ) -> None: details = [] for label, teams in ( ("duplicates", duplicates), ("extras", extras), ("missing", missing), ): if teams: details.append(f"{label}: " + ", ".join(sorted(teams))) assert details, f"No bad items given to {self.__class__}!" detail = "; ".join(details) super().__init__(tpl.format(detail)) self.duplicates = duplicates self.extras = extras self.missing = missing
[docs]class LayoutTeamsException(MismatchException[TLA]): """ An exception that occurs when there are duplicate, extra or missing teams in a layout. """ def __init__( self, duplicate_teams: Iterable[TLA], extra_teams: Iterable[TLA], missing_teams: Iterable[TLA], ): tpl = "Duplicate, extra or missing teams in the layout! ({0})" super().__init__(tpl, duplicate_teams, extra_teams, missing_teams)
[docs]class ShepherdingAreasException(MismatchException[str]): """ An exception that occurs when there are duplicate, extra or missing shepherding areas in the staging times. """ def __init__( self, where: str, duplicate: Iterable[str], extra: Iterable[str], missing: Iterable[str], ): tpl = f"Duplicate, extra or missing shepherding areas {where}! ({{0}})" super().__init__(tpl, duplicate, extra, missing)
[docs]class Venue: """A class providing information about the layout within the venue.""" @staticmethod def _check_staging_times( shepherding_areas: Iterable[ShepherdName], staging_times: StagingOffsets, ) -> None: """ Check that the given staging times contain signals for the right set of shepherding areas. Will throw a :class:`ShepherdingAreasException` if there are any missing, extra or duplicate areas found. :param list shepherding_areas: The reference list of shepherding areas at the competition. :param list teams_layout: A dict of staging times, containing at least a ``signal_shepherds`` key which is a map of times for each area. """ shepherding_areas_set = set(shepherding_areas) staging_areas_set = set(staging_times['signal_shepherds'].keys()) extra_areas = staging_areas_set - shepherding_areas_set missing_areas = shepherding_areas_set - staging_areas_set if extra_areas or missing_areas: raise ShepherdingAreasException( "in the staging times", [], extra_areas, missing_areas, ) @staticmethod def _get_duplicates(items: Iterable[T]) -> list[T]: return [item for item, count in Counter(items).items() if count > 1]
[docs] @classmethod def check_teams(cls, teams: Iterable[TLA], teams_layout: list[RegionData]) -> None: """ Check that the given layout of teams contains the same set of teams as the reference. Will throw a :class:`LayoutTeamsException` if there are any missing, extra or duplicate teams found. :param list teams: The reference list of teams in the competition. :param list teams_layout: A list of maps with a list of teams under the ``teams`` key. """ layout_teams = list(chain.from_iterable(r['teams'] for r in teams_layout)) duplicate_teams = cls._get_duplicates(layout_teams) teams_set = set(teams) layout_teams_set = set(layout_teams) extra_teams = layout_teams_set - teams_set missing_teams = teams_set - layout_teams_set if duplicate_teams or extra_teams or missing_teams: raise LayoutTeamsException(duplicate_teams, extra_teams, missing_teams)
@staticmethod def _match_regions_and_shepherds( shepherds: Iterable[ShepherdData], teams_layout: list[RegionData], ) -> Iterable[tuple[RegionData, ShepherdData]]: regions_by_name = {r['name']: r for r in teams_layout} for shepherd in shepherds: for region_name in shepherd.get('regions', []): region = regions_by_name.get(region_name) if not region: raise InvalidRegionException(region_name, shepherd['name']) yield region, shepherd @staticmethod def _build_locations( regions_and_shepherds: Iterable[tuple[RegionData, ShepherdData]], ) -> Mapping[RegionName, Region]: return { region['name']: Region({ 'name': region['name'], 'display_name': region['display_name'], 'description': region.get('description', ""), 'teams': region['teams'], 'shepherds': ShepherdingArea({ 'name': shepherd['name'], 'colour': shepherd['colour'], }), }) for region, shepherd in regions_and_shepherds } def __init__( self, teams: Iterable[TLA], layout_file: Path, shepherding_file: Path, ): layout_data: LayoutData = yaml_loader.load(layout_file) teams_layout = layout_data['teams'] self.check_teams(teams, teams_layout) shepherding_data: ShepherdingData = yaml_loader.load(shepherding_file) shepherds = shepherding_data['shepherds'] self._shepherding_areas = [a['name'] for a in shepherds] """ A :class:`list` of shepherding zone names from the shepherding file. """ duplicate_areas = self._get_duplicates(self._shepherding_areas) if duplicate_areas: raise ShepherdingAreasException( 'in the shepherding data', duplicate_areas, [], [], ) self.locations = self._build_locations( self._match_regions_and_shepherds(shepherds, teams_layout), ) """ A :class:`dict` of location names (from the layout file) to location information, including which teams are in that location and the shepherding region which contains that location. """ self._team_locations: dict[TLA, Region] = {} for location in self.locations.values(): for team in location['teams']: self._team_locations[team] = location
[docs] def check_staging_times(self, staging_times: StagingOffsets) -> None: self._check_staging_times(self._shepherding_areas, staging_times)
[docs] def get_team_location(self, team: TLA) -> RegionName: """ Get the name of the location allocated to the given team within the venue. :param str team: The TLA of the team in question. :returns: The name of the location allocated to the team. """ return self._team_locations[team]['name']