Source code for sr.comp.scores

"""Utilities for working with scores."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import total_ordering
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, NewType, TypeVar

import league_ranker as ranker
from league_ranker import LeaguePoints, RankedPosition

from . import yaml_loader
from .match_period import Match, MatchType
from .types import (

T = TypeVar('T')
TBaseScores = TypeVar('TBaseScores', bound='BaseScores')
TKnockoutScores = TypeVar('TKnockoutScores', bound='KnockoutScores')

LeaguePosition = NewType('LeaguePosition', int)
LeaguePositions = Mapping[TLA, LeaguePosition]

[docs]class InvalidTeam(Exception): """An exception that occurs when a score contains an invalid team.""" def __init__(self, tla: TLA, context: str) -> None: super().__init__(f"Team {tla} (found in {context}) does not exist.") self.tla = tla
[docs]class DuplicateScoresheet(Exception): """ An exception that occurs if two scoresheets for the same match have been entered. """ def __init__(self, match_id: MatchId) -> None: super().__init__(f"Scoresheet for {match_id} has already been added.") self.match_id = match_id
[docs]@total_ordering class TeamScore: """ A team score. :param int league: The league points. :param int game: The game points. """ def __init__( self, league: ranker.LeaguePoints = ranker.LeaguePoints(0), game: GamePoints = GamePoints(0), ): self.league_points = league self.game_points = game @property def _ordering_key(self) -> tuple[int, int]: # Sort lexicographically by league points, then game points return self.league_points, self.game_points
[docs] def add_game_points(self, score: GamePoints) -> GamePoints: self.game_points = GamePoints(self.game_points + score) return self.game_points
[docs] def add_league_points(self, points: ranker.LeaguePoints) -> ranker.LeaguePoints: self.league_points = ranker.LeaguePoints(self.league_points + points) return self.league_points
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, type(self)) and self._ordering_key == other._ordering_key ) # total_ordering doesn't provide this! def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not (self == other) def __lt__(self, other: TeamScore) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, TeamScore): return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] return self._ordering_key < other._ordering_key def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'TeamScore({self.league_points!r}, {self.game_points!r})'
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class MatchScore: match_id: MatchId game: Mapping[TLA, GamePoints] normalised: Mapping[TLA, LeaguePoints] ranking: Mapping[TLA, RankedPosition]
[docs]def results_finder(root: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """An iterator that finds score sheet files.""" for name in root.glob('*'): if not name.is_dir(): continue yield from name.glob('*.yaml')
[docs]def get_validated_scores( scorer_cls: ScorerType, input_data: ScoreData, ) -> Mapping[TLA, GamePoints]: """ Helper function which mimics the behaviour from libproton. Given a libproton 3.0 (Proton 3.0.0-rc2) compatible class this will calculate the scores and validate the input. """ teams_data = input_data['teams'] arena_data = input_data.get('arena_zones') # May be absent extra_data = input_data.get('other') # May be absent scorer = scorer_cls(teams_data, arena_data) scores = scorer.calculate_scores() # Also check the validation, if supported. Explicit pre-check so # that we don't accidentally hide any AttributeErrors (or similar) # which come from inside the method. if hasattr(scorer, 'validate'): # TODO(python-upgrade): move to using runtime_checkable once we're Python 3.8+ only. scorer = cast(ValidatingScorer, scorer) scorer.validate(extra_data) return scores
[docs]def degroup(grouped_positions: Mapping[T, Iterable[TLA]]) -> OrderedDict[TLA, T]: """ Given a mapping of positions to collections of teams at that position, returns an :class:`OrderedDict` of teams to their positions. Where more than one team has a given position, they are sorted before being inserted. """ positions = OrderedDict() for pos, teams in grouped_positions.items(): for tla in sorted(teams): positions[tla] = pos return positions
[docs]def load_scores_data(result_dir: Path) -> Iterator[ScoreData]: # Find the scores for each match for result_file in results_finder(result_dir): yield yaml_loader.load(result_file)
[docs]def load_external_scores_data(result_dir: Path) -> Iterator[ExternalScoreData]: for result_file in result_dir.glob('*.yaml'): raw = yaml_loader.load(result_file) yield from raw['scores']
# The scorer that these classes consume should be a class that is compatible # with libproton in its Proton 2.0.0-rc1 form. # See and #
[docs]class BaseScores: """ A generic class that holds scores. :param iterable scores_data: A collection of loaded score sheet data. :param dict teams: The teams in the competition. :param dict scorer: The scorer logic. :param int num_teams_per_arena: The usual number of teams per arena. """ def __init__( self, scores_data: Iterable[ScoreData], teams: Iterable[TLA], scorer: ScorerType, num_teams_per_arena: int, ) -> None: self._scorer = scorer self._num_corners = num_teams_per_arena self.game_points: dict[MatchId, Mapping[TLA, GamePoints]] = {} r""" Game points data for each match. Keys are tuples of the form ``(arena_id, match_num)``, values are :class:`dict`\s mapping TLAs to the number of game points they scored. """ self.game_positions: dict[MatchId, Mapping[RankedPosition, set[TLA]]] = {} r""" Game position data for each match. Keys are tuples of the form ``(arena_id, match_num)``, values are :class:`dict`\s mapping ranked positions (i.e: first is `1`, etc.) to an iterable of TLAs which have that position. Based solely on teams' game points. """ self.ranked_points: dict[MatchId, dict[TLA, ranker.LeaguePoints]] = {} r""" Normalised (aka 'league') points earned in each match. Keys are tuples of the form ``(arena_id, match_num)``, values are :class:`dict`\s mapping TLAs to the number of normalised points they would earn for that match. """ # Start with 0 points for each team self.teams: Mapping[TLA, TeamScore] = {x: TeamScore() for x in teams} """ Points for each team earned during this portion of the competition. Maps TLAs to :class:`.TeamScore` instances. """ for score_data in scores_data: self._load_score_data(score_data) # Sum the game for each team for match_id, match in self.game_points.items(): for tla, score in match.items(): if tla not in self.teams: raise InvalidTeam(tla, "score for match {}{}".format(*match_id)) self.teams[tla].add_game_points(score) def _load_score_data(self, score_data: ScoreData) -> None: match_id = (score_data['arena_id'], score_data['match_number']) if match_id in self.game_points: raise DuplicateScoresheet(match_id) game_points = get_validated_scores(self._scorer, score_data) self.game_points[match_id] = game_points # Build the disqualification dict dsq = [] for tla, team_info in score_data['teams'].items(): # disqualifications and non-presence are effectively the same # in terms of league points awarding. if ( team_info.get('disqualified', False) or not team_info.get('present', True) ): dsq.append(tla) positions = ranker.calc_positions(game_points, dsq) self.game_positions[match_id] = positions self.ranked_points[match_id] = \ ranker.calc_ranked_points(positions, dsq, self._num_corners) @property def last_scored_match(self) -> MatchNumber | None: """The most match with the highest id for which we have score data.""" if len(self.ranked_points) == 0: return None matches = self.ranked_points.keys() return max(num for arena, num in matches)
[docs] def get_rankings(self, match: Match) -> Mapping[TLA, RankedPosition]: """ Return a mapping of TLAs to ranked positions for the given match. This is an internal API -- most consumers should use ``Scores.get_scores`` instead. """ match_id = (match.arena, match.num) return degroup(self.game_positions[match_id])
[docs]class LeagueScores(BaseScores): """A class which holds league scores."""
[docs] @staticmethod def rank_league(team_scores: Mapping[TLA, TeamScore]) -> LeaguePositions: """ Given a mapping of TLA to TeamScore, returns a mapping of TLA to league position which both allows for ties and enables their resolution deterministically. """ # Reverse sort the (tla, score) pairs so the biggest scores are at the # top. We break perfect ties by TLA, which is not fair but is # deterministic. # Note that the unfair result is only present within the key ordering # of the resulting OrderedDict -- the values it contains will admit # to tied values. # Both of these are used within the system -- the knockouts need # a list of teams to seed with, various awards (and humans) want # a result which allows for ties. ranking = sorted( team_scores.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True, ) positions = OrderedDict() pos = 1 last_score = None for i, (tla, score) in enumerate(ranking, start=1): if score != last_score: pos = i positions[tla] = LeaguePosition(pos) last_score = score return positions
def __init__( self, scores_data: Iterable[ScoreData], teams: Iterable[TLA], scorer: ScorerType, num_teams_per_arena: int, extra: Mapping[TLA, TeamScore] | None = None, ): super().__init__(scores_data, teams, scorer, num_teams_per_arena) if extra: for tla, score in extra.items(): try: team_score = self.teams[tla] except KeyError: raise InvalidTeam(tla, "extra league points data") from None team_score.add_game_points(score.game_points) team_score.add_league_points(score.league_points) # Sum the league scores for each team for match_id, match in self.ranked_points.items(): for tla, points in match.items(): if tla not in self.teams: raise InvalidTeam(tla, "ranked score for match {}{}".format(*match_id)) self.teams[tla].add_league_points(points) self.positions = self.rank_league(self.teams) r""" An :class:`.OrderedDict` of TLAs to :class:`sr.comp.scores.LeaguePosition`\s. """
[docs]class KnockoutScores(BaseScores): """A class which holds knockout scores."""
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_ranking( match_points: Mapping[TLA, ranker.LeaguePoints], league_positions: LeaguePositions, ) -> dict[TLA, RankedPosition]: """ Get a ranking of the given match's teams. :param match_points: A map of TLAs to (normalised) scores. :param league_positions: A map of TLAs to league positions. """ def key(tla: TLA, points: ranker.LeaguePoints) -> tuple[ranker.LeaguePoints, int]: # Lexicographically sort by game result, then by league position # League positions are sorted in the opposite direction return points, -league_positions.get(tla, 0) # Sort by points with tie resolution # Convert the points values to keys keyed = {tla: key(tla, points) for tla, points in match_points.items()} # Defer to the ranker to calculate positions positions = ranker.calc_positions(keyed) # Invert the map back to being TLA -> position ranking = degroup(positions) return ranking
def __init__( self, scores_data: Iterable[ScoreData], teams: Iterable[TLA], scorer: ScorerType, num_teams_per_arena: int, league_positions: LeaguePositions, ): super().__init__(scores_data, teams, scorer, num_teams_per_arena) self.resolved_positions = {} r""" Position data for each match which includes adjustment for ties. Keys are tuples of the form ``(arena_id, match_num)``, values are :class:`.OrderedDict`\s mapping TLAs to the ranked position (i.e: first is `1`, etc.) of that team, with the winning team in the start of the list of keys. Tie resolution is done by league position. """ # Calculate resolve positions for each scored match for match_id, match_points in self.ranked_points.items(): positions = self.calculate_ranking(match_points, league_positions) self.resolved_positions[match_id] = positions
[docs] def get_rankings(self, match: Match) -> Mapping[TLA, RankedPosition]: """ Return a mapping of TLAs to ranked positions for the given match. This is an internal API -- most consumers should use ``Scores.get_scores`` instead. """ if match.use_resolved_ranking: match_id = (match.arena, match.num) return self.resolved_positions[match_id] return super().get_rankings(match)
[docs]class TiebreakerScores(KnockoutScores): pass
[docs]def load_external_scores( scores_data: Iterable[ExternalScoreData], teams: Iterable[TLA], ) -> Mapping[TLA, TeamScore]: """ Mechanism to import additional scores from an external source. This provides flexibility in the sources of score data. """ scores = {x: TeamScore() for x in teams} for entry in scores_data: tla = TLA(entry['team']) try: team_score = scores[tla] except KeyError: raise InvalidTeam(tla, "external scores data") from None game_points = entry.get('game_points') if game_points: team_score.add_game_points(GamePoints(game_points)) team_score.add_league_points(LeaguePoints(entry['league_points'])) return scores
[docs]class Scores: """ A simple class which stores references to the league and knockout scores. """
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, root: Path, teams: Iterable[TLA], scorer: ScorerType, num_teams_per_arena: int, ) -> Scores: external_scores = load_external_scores( load_external_scores_data(root / 'external'), teams, ) league = LeagueScores( load_scores_data(root / 'league'), teams, scorer, num_teams_per_arena, extra=external_scores, ) knockout = KnockoutScores( load_scores_data(root / 'knockout'), teams, scorer, num_teams_per_arena, league.positions, ) tiebreaker = TiebreakerScores( load_scores_data(root / 'tiebreaker'), teams, scorer, num_teams_per_arena, league.positions, ) return cls(league, knockout, tiebreaker)
def __init__( self, league: LeagueScores, knockout: KnockoutScores, tiebreaker: TiebreakerScores, ) -> None: self.league = league """ The :class:`LeagueScores` for the competition. """ self.knockout = knockout """ The :class:`KnockoutScores` for the competition. """ self.tiebreaker = tiebreaker """ The :class:`TiebreakerScores` for the competition. """ lsm = None for scores in (self.tiebreaker, self.knockout, self.league): lsm = scores.last_scored_match if lsm is not None: break self.last_scored_match = lsm """ The match with the highest id for which we have score data. """
[docs] def get_scores(self, match: Match) -> MatchScore | None: """ Get the scores for a given match. Parameters ---------- match : sr.comp.match_period.Match A match. Returns ------- MatchScore | None An object describing the scores for the match, if scores have been recorded yet. Otherwise None. """ scores = { MatchType.league: self.league, MatchType.knockout: self.knockout, MatchType.tiebreaker: self.tiebreaker, }[match.type] match_id = (match.arena, match.num) if match_id not in scores.game_points: return None return MatchScore( match_id, game=scores.game_points[match_id], normalised=scores.ranked_points[match_id], ranking=scores.get_rankings(match), )