Source code for sr.comp.matches

"""Match schedule library."""

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from league_ranker import RankedPosition

from . import yaml_loader
from .arenas import Arena
from .knockout_scheduler import KnockoutScheduler, StaticScheduler
from .knockout_scheduler.base_scheduler import BaseKnockoutScheduler
from .match_period import Delay, Match, MatchPeriod, MatchSlot, MatchType
from .match_period_clock import MatchPeriodClock
from .scores import Scores
from .teams import Team
from .types import (

TSchedule = TypeVar('TSchedule', bound='MatchSchedule')

[docs]class StagingOffsets(TypedDict): opens: datetime.timedelta closes: datetime.timedelta duration: datetime.timedelta signal_shepherds: Mapping[ShepherdName, datetime.timedelta] signal_teams: datetime.timedelta
[docs]class StagingTimes(TypedDict): opens: datetime.datetime closes: datetime.datetime duration: datetime.timedelta signal_shepherds: Mapping[ShepherdName, datetime.datetime] signal_teams: datetime.datetime
[docs]class WrongNumberOfTeams(Exception): def __init__( self, match_n: int, arena_name: str, teams: Sequence[TLA | None], num_teams_per_arena: int, ) -> None: message = "Match {}{} has {} teams but must have {}".format( arena_name, match_n, len(teams), num_teams_per_arena, ) super().__init__(message)
[docs]def parse_ranges(ranges: str) -> set[int]: """ Parse a comma separated list of numbers which may include ranges specified as hyphen-separated numbers. From """ result: list[int] = [] for part in ranges.split(','): if '-' in part: a_, b_ = part.split('-') a, b = int(a_), int(b_) result.extend(range(a, b + 1)) else: a = int(part) result.append(a) return set(result)
[docs]def get_timezone(name: str) -> datetime.tzinfo: tzinfo = if tzinfo is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load timezone info for {name!r}") return tzinfo
[docs]class MatchSchedule: """ A match schedule. """
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls: type[TSchedule], config_fname: Path, league_fname: Path, scores: Scores, arenas: Mapping[ArenaName, Arena], num_teams_per_arena: int, teams: Mapping[TLA, Team], ) -> TSchedule: """ Create a new match schedule around the given config data. :param Path config_fname: The filename of the main config file. :param Path league_fname: The filename of the file containing the league matches. :param `.Scores` scores: The scores for the competition. :param dict arenas: A mapping of arena ids to :class:`.Arena` instances. :param int num_teams_per_arena: The usual number of teams per arena. :param dict teams: A mapping of TLAs to :class:`.Team` instances. """ y = yaml_loader.load(config_fname) league: LeagueMatches = yaml_loader.load(league_fname)['matches'] schedule = cls(y, league, teams, num_teams_per_arena) if y['knockout'].get('static', False): knockout_scheduler: type[BaseKnockoutScheduler] = StaticScheduler else: knockout_scheduler = KnockoutScheduler k = knockout_scheduler(schedule, scores, arenas, num_teams_per_arena, teams, y) k.add_knockouts() schedule.knockout_rounds = k.knockout_rounds schedule.match_periods.append(k.period) if 'tiebreaker' in y: schedule.add_tiebreaker(scores, y['tiebreaker']) return schedule
def __init__( self, y: YAMLData, league: LeagueMatches, teams: Mapping[TLA, Team], num_teams_per_arena: int, ) -> None: self._num_corners = num_teams_per_arena self.teams = teams """A mapping of TLAs to :class:`.Team` instances.""" self.match_periods: list[MatchPeriod] = [] r""" A list of the :class:`.MatchPeriod`\s which contain the matches for the competition. """ self.knockout_rounds: list[list[Match]] = [] """ A list of the knockout matches by round. Each entry in the list represents a round of knockout matches, such that `knockout_rounds[-1]` contains a list with only one match -- the final. """ for e in y['match_periods']['league']: if 'max_end_time' in e: max_end_time = e['max_end_time'] else: max_end_time = e['end_time'] period = MatchPeriod( e['start_time'], e['end_time'], max_end_time, e['description'], [], MatchType.league, ) self.match_periods.append(period) self._load_match_slot_lengths(y['match_slot_lengths']) self._load_staging_times(y['staging']) self._build_extra_spacing(y['league']['extra_spacing']) self._build_delaylist(y['delays']) self.matches: list[MatchSlot] = [] """ A list of match slots in the schedule. Each match slot is a dict of arena to the :class:`.Match` occurring in that arena. """ self.n_planned_league_matches = 0 """The number of planned league matches.""" self._build_matchlist(league) self.timezone = get_timezone(y.get('timezone', 'UTC')) self.n_league_matches = self.n_matches() def _load_match_slot_lengths(self, yamldata: YAMLData) -> None: durations = { key: datetime.timedelta(0, value) for key, value in yamldata.items() } pre = durations['pre'] post = durations['post'] match = durations['match'] total = durations['total'] if total != pre + post + match: raise ValueError("Match slot lengths are inconsistent.") self.match_slot_lengths = durations self.match_duration: datetime.timedelta = total def _load_staging_times(self, yamldata: YAMLData) -> None: def to_timedeltas(item: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(item, dict): return { key: to_timedeltas(value) for key, value in item.items() } else: return datetime.timedelta(seconds=item) durations: StagingOffsets = to_timedeltas(yamldata) opens = durations['opens'] closes = durations['closes'] duration = durations['duration'] if duration != opens - closes: raise ValueError("Staging timings are inconsistent.") for other in ('signal_teams', 'signal_shepherds'): if other not in durations: raise ValueError(f"Staging times missing {other!r} key.") self.staging_times = durations
[docs] def get_staging_times(self, match: Match) -> StagingTimes: pre = self.match_slot_lengths['pre'] match_start = match.start_time + pre offsets = self.staging_times signal_shepherds: dict[ShepherdName, datetime.datetime] = { area: match_start - offset for area, offset in offsets['signal_shepherds'].items() } return { 'opens': match_start - offsets['opens'], 'closes': match_start - offsets['closes'], 'duration': self.staging_times['duration'], 'signal_shepherds': signal_shepherds, 'signal_teams': match_start - offsets['signal_teams'], }
def _build_extra_spacing(self, yamldata: list[ExtraSpacingData] | None) -> None: spacing: dict[MatchNumber, datetime.timedelta] = {} if not yamldata: self._spacing = spacing return for info in yamldata: match_numbers = parse_ranges(info['match_numbers']) duration = timedelta(seconds=info['duration']) for num in match_numbers: assert num not in spacing spacing[MatchNumber(num)] = duration self._spacing = spacing def _build_delaylist(self, yamldata: list[DelayData] | None) -> None: delays: list[Delay] = [] if yamldata is None: # No delays, hurrah self.delays = delays return for info in yamldata: d = Delay(timedelta(seconds=info['delay']), info['time']) delays.append(d) delays.sort(key=lambda x: x.time) self.delays = delays
[docs] def remove_drop_outs( self, teams: Iterable[TLA | None], since_match: MatchNumber, ) -> list[TLA | None]: """ Take a list of TLAs and replace the teams that have dropped out with ``None`` values. :param list teams: A list of TLAs. :param int since_match: The match number to check for drop outs from. :return: A new list containing the appropriate teams. """ new_teams: list[TLA | None] = [] for tla in teams: if tla is None: new_teams.append(None) else: if self.teams[tla].is_still_around(since_match): new_teams.append(tla) else: new_teams.append(None) return new_teams
def _build_matchlist(self, yamldata: LeagueMatches | None) -> None: """ Build the match list. :param dict yamldata: The matches data from the league file, formatted as a dict of match numbers to dicts of arena to lists of TLAs. """ if yamldata is None: return match_numbers = sorted(yamldata.keys()) self.n_planned_league_matches = len(match_numbers) if tuple(match_numbers) != tuple(range(len(match_numbers))): raise Exception("Matches are not a complete 0-N range") # Effectively just the .values(), except that it's ordered by number raw_matches = [yamldata[m] for m in match_numbers] match_n = MatchNumber(0) for period in self.match_periods: # Fill this period with matches clock = MatchPeriodClock(period, self.delays) # No extra spacing for matches at the start of a period # Fill this match period with matches for start in clock.iterslots(self.match_duration): try: arenas = raw_matches.pop(0) except IndexError: # no more matches left break match_slot = self._create_league_match_slot(start, arenas, match_n) period.matches.append(match_slot) self.matches.append(match_slot) match_n = MatchNumber(match_n + 1) extra_spacing = self._spacing.get(match_n) if extra_spacing: clock.advance_time(extra_spacing) def _create_league_match_slot( self, start_time: datetime.datetime, arenas: Mapping[ArenaName, Sequence[TLA | None]], match_n: MatchNumber, ) -> MatchSlot: """ Returns a dict of arena to :class:`.Match` for the given start time, arenas dict and match number. """ match_slot: dict[ArenaName, Match] = {} end_time = start_time + self.match_duration for arena_name, teams in arenas.items(): teams = self.remove_drop_outs(teams, match_n) display_name = f"Match {match_n}" if len(teams) != self._num_corners: raise WrongNumberOfTeams(match_n, arena_name, teams, self._num_corners) match = Match( match_n, display_name, arena_name, teams, start_time, end_time, MatchType.league, use_resolved_ranking=False, ) match_slot[arena_name] = match return MatchSlot(match_slot)
[docs] def delay_at(self, date: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.timedelta: """ Calculates the active delay at a given ``date``. Intended for use only in exposing the current delay value -- scheduling should be done using a :class:`.MatchPeriodClock` instead. :param datetime date: The date to find the delay for. :return: A :class:`datetime.timedelta` specifying the active delay. """ total = timedelta() period = self.period_at(date) if not period: # No current period, no delays active return total delays = MatchPeriodClock.delays_for_period(period, self.delays) for delay in delays: if delay.time > date: break total += delay.delay return total
[docs] def matches_at(self, date: datetime.datetime) -> Iterator[Match]: """ Get all the matches that occur around a specific ``date``. :param datetime date: The date at which matches occur. :return: An iterable list of matches. """ for slot in self.matches: for match in slot.values(): if match.start_time <= date < match.end_time: yield match
[docs] def period_at(self, date: datetime.datetime) -> MatchPeriod | None: """ Get the match period that occur around a specific ``date``. :param datetime date: The date at which period occurs. :return: The period at that time or ``None``. """ for period in self.match_periods: if period.start_time <= date < period.max_end_time: return period return None
[docs] def n_matches(self) -> int: """ Get the number of matches. :return: The number of matches. """ return len(self.matches)
@property def final_match(self) -> Match: """ Get the :class:`.Match` for the last match of the competition. This is the info for the 'finals' of the competition (i.e: the last of the knockout matches) unless there is a tiebreaker. """ last_match_slot = self.matches[-1] last_matches = list(last_match_slot.values()) assert len(last_matches) == 1, last_match_slot return last_matches[0]
[docs] def add_tiebreaker(self, scores: Scores, time: datetime.datetime) -> None: """ Add a tie breaker to the league if required. Also set a ``tiebreaker`` attribute if necessary. :param `.Scores` scores: The scores for the competition. :param datetime.datetime time: The time to have the tiebreaker match. """ finals_info = self.knockout_rounds[-1][0] finals_key = (finals_info.arena, finals_info.num) try: finals_positions = scores.knockout.game_positions[finals_key] except KeyError: return winners = finals_positions.get(RankedPosition(1)) if not winners: raise AssertionError("The only winning move is not to play.") if len(winners) > 1: # Act surprised! # Start with the winning teams in the same order as in the finals tiebreaker_teams = [ team if team in winners else None for team in finals_info.teams ] # Use a static permutation permutation = [3, 2, 0, 1] tiebreaker_teams = [ tiebreaker_teams[permutation[n]] for n in permutation ] # Inject new match end_time = time + self.match_duration num = self.n_matches() arena = finals_info.arena match = Match( num=MatchNumber(num), display_name=f"Tiebreaker (#{num})", arena=arena, teams=tiebreaker_teams, type=MatchType.tiebreaker, start_time=time, end_time=end_time, use_resolved_ranking=False, ) slot = MatchSlot({arena: match}) self.matches.append(slot) match_period = MatchPeriod( time, end_time, end_time, 'Tiebreaker', [slot], MatchType.tiebreaker, ) self.match_periods.append(match_period) self.tiebreaker = match
@property def datetime_now(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the current date and time, with the correct timezone.""" return