Source code for sr.comp.knockout_scheduler.static_scheduler

A static knockout schedule.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from typing import Any, NewType
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from ..match_period import Match, MatchSlot, MatchType
from ..types import ArenaName, MatchNumber, TLA
from .base_scheduler import BaseKnockoutScheduler, UNKNOWABLE_TEAM

StaticMatchTeamReference = NewType('StaticMatchTeamReference', str)

class StaticMatchInfo(TypedDict):
    arena: ArenaName
    start_time: datetime.datetime
    teams: list[StaticMatchTeamReference]
    display_name: str | None

[docs]class StaticScheduler(BaseKnockoutScheduler): """ A knockout scheduler which loads almost fixed data from the config. Assumes only a single arena. Due to the nature of its interaction with the seedings, this scheduler has a very limited handling of dropped-out teams: it only adjusts its scheduling for dropouts before the knockouts. The practical results of this dropout behaviour are: * the schedule is stable when teams drop out, as this either affects the entire knockout or none of it * dropping out a team such that there are no longer enough seeds requires manual changes to the schedule to remove the seeds which cannot be filled """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Collect a list of the teams eligible for the knockouts, in seeded order. last_league_match_num = self.schedule.n_matches() self._knockout_seeds = self._get_non_dropped_out_teams( MatchNumber(last_league_match_num), )
[docs] def get_team(self, team_ref: StaticMatchTeamReference | None) -> TLA | None: if not self._played_all_league_matches(): return UNKNOWABLE_TEAM if team_ref is None: return None if team_ref.startswith('S'): # get a seeded position pos = int(team_ref[1:]) # seed numbers are 1 based if pos < 1: raise ValueError(f"Invalid seed {team_ref!r} (seed numbers start at 1)") pos -= 1 try: return self._knockout_seeds[pos] except IndexError: raise ValueError( "Cannot reference seed {}, there are only {} eligible teams!".format( team_ref, len(self._knockout_seeds), ), ) from None # get a position from a match assert len(team_ref) == 3 round_num, match_num, pos = (int(x) for x in team_ref) try: match = self.knockout_rounds[round_num][match_num] except IndexError: raise ValueError( f"Reference '{team_ref}' to unscheduled match!", ) from None try: ranking = self.get_ranking(match) return ranking[pos] except IndexError: raise ValueError( f"Reference '{team_ref}' to invalid ranking!", ) from None
def _add_match( self, match_info: StaticMatchInfo, rounds_remaining: int, round_num: int, ) -> None: new_matches = {} arena = match_info['arena'] start_time = match_info['start_time'] end_time = start_time + self.schedule.match_duration num = MatchNumber(len(self.schedule.matches)) teams = [ self.get_team(team_ref) for team_ref in match_info['teams'] ] if len(teams) != self.num_teams_per_arena: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected number of teams in match {num} (round {round_num}); " f"got {len(teams)}, expecting {self.num_teams_per_arena}." + ( " Fill any expected empty places with `null`." if len(teams) < self.num_teams_per_arena else "" ), ) display_name = self.get_match_display_name( rounds_remaining, round_num, num, ) # allow overriding the name override_name = match_info.get('display_name') if override_name is not None: display_name = f"{override_name} (#{num})" is_final = rounds_remaining == 0 match = Match( num, display_name, arena, teams, start_time, end_time, MatchType.knockout, use_resolved_ranking=not is_final, ) self.knockout_rounds[-1].append(match) new_matches[match_info['arena']] = match self.schedule.matches.append(MatchSlot(new_matches)) self.period.matches.append(MatchSlot(new_matches))
[docs] def add_knockouts(self) -> None: knockout_conf = self.config['static_knockout']['matches'] for round_num, round_info in sorted(knockout_conf.items()): self.knockout_rounds += [[]] rounds_remaining = len(knockout_conf) - round_num - 1 for match_num, match_info in sorted(round_info.items()): self._add_match(match_info, rounds_remaining, match_num)