Source code for sr.comp.comp

"""Core competition functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import runpy
import sys
from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from typing import cast

from . import arenas, matches, scores, teams, venue
from .types import ScorerType
from .winners import compute_awards

[docs]def load_scorer(root: Path) -> ScorerType: """ Load the scorer module from Compstate repo. :param Path root: The path to the compstate repo. """ # Deep path hacks score_directory = root / 'scoring' score_source = score_directory / '' saved_path = copy(sys.path) sys.path.insert(0, str(score_directory)) try: score = runpy.run_path(str(score_source)) finally: sys.path = saved_path return cast(ScorerType, score['Scorer'])
[docs]class SRComp: """ A class containing all the various parts of a competition. :param Path root: The root path of the ``compstate`` repo. """ def __init__(self, root: str | Path) -> None: self.root = Path(root) self.state = check_output( ('git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'), text=True, cwd=str(self.root), ).strip() """The current commit of the Compstate repository.""" self.teams = teams.load_teams(self.root / 'teams.yaml') """A mapping of TLAs to :class:`sr.comp.teams.Team` objects.""" self.arenas = arenas.load_arenas(self.root / 'arenas.yaml') """A :class:`collections.OrderedDict` mapping arena names to :class:`sr.comp.arenas.Arena` objects.""" self.corners = arenas.load_corners(self.root / 'arenas.yaml') """A :class:`collections.OrderedDict` mapping corner numbers to :class:`sr.comp.arenas.Corner` objects.""" self.num_teams_per_arena = len(self.corners) scorer = load_scorer(self.root) self.scores = scores.Scores.load( self.root, self.teams.keys(), scorer, self.num_teams_per_arena, ) """A :class:`sr.comp.scores.Scores` instance.""" self.schedule = matches.MatchSchedule.create( self.root / 'schedule.yaml', self.root / 'league.yaml', self.scores, self.arenas, self.num_teams_per_arena, self.teams, ) """A :class:`sr.comp.matches.MatchSchedule` instance.""" self.timezone = self.schedule.timezone """The timezone of the competition.""" self.awards = compute_awards( self.scores, self.schedule.final_match, self.teams, self.root / 'awards.yaml', ) """A :class:`dict` mapping :class:`` objects to a :class:`list` of teams.""" self.venue = venue.Venue( self.teams.keys(), self.root / 'layout.yaml', self.root / 'shepherding.yaml', ) """A :class:`sr.comp.venue.Venue` instance.""" self.venue.check_staging_times(self.schedule.staging_times)